Phone & Email support  Free - existing customers Feel free to call for support on computer
issues and we will attempt to provide a quick solution over the phone.  All existing customers are entitled to full phone & email support, free of charge.
 All computer support services
 $50 first hour
 $40 per hour thereafter
$20 additional if travel time is over 30 minutes, plus any bridge, tunnel or highway tolls.
 PC Installation  Starting at $150 We will unpack and set up your computer, connect up to three external devices, connect your PC to an existing Internet connection, create your e-mail account and give you an orientation on how to use your PC software.
 Networking  $100 - 2 computer network
 $50 each addl computer
Price reflects same room installation
Difficult cable routing or other limitations will effect final cost.
 Wireless Network Installations  Starting at $100 Service includes setup and connection to your High Speed Internet Service, connecting one PC and enabling basic security features
 Tailored training  $35 1st hour
 $20 per hour thereafter
  per same day session
1-1 private training.  Includes all notes, pre-written, tailored & developed specifically for you.
 Website design Starter Web Site
 $250 - Up to Two Professionally Designed Web Pages
- Up to Two Custom Rollover Buttons
- Up to Three Scanned Images
- One Scanned Logo
- Planning, Uploading and Testing
Basic Web Site
 $500 - Up to Five Professionally Designed Web Pages
- Up to Five Custom Rollover Buttons
- Up to Twelve Scanned Images
- One Scanned Logo
- Planning, Uploading and Testing
- One Custom Title Graphic
- Two Custom Simple Graphics
Small Business Web Site
 $1000 - Up to Ten Professionally Designed Web Pages
- Up to Nine Custom Rollover Button
- Up to Thirty Scanned Images
- One Scanned Logo
- Planning, Uploading and Testing
- One Custom Title Graphic
- Four Custom Simple Graphics
- One Email Form
- META Tagged for Search Engines

Customized Development

Hourly Fees
Design $40/hr
HTML $40/hr
Programming $59/hr

Per Page
HTML $100
Programming $120

web design website design web designers web page design flash web design

Individual Items

Item by Item
Roll Over Buttons $20
Scanned Images (per scan) $3
Feedback Form $50
Order Form $100
Guest Book $100
Static $50

web design website design web designers web page design flash web design

Maintenance Programs

Maintenance Packages
Web Updates Monthly $49/mo
Web Updates Weekly $97/mo
Web Updates Daily $247/mo
Web Updates Hourly $997/mo

Hourly Maintenance Fees
HTML $40/hr
Programming $59/hr
Design $40/hr